20 March, 2006


When I told my mom that I'll have roommates when I move out, she tried to disuade me by telling me that I'll probably get a crappy roomate who will leave underwear all over the place and borrow my nice sweaters and stretch them out on account that she probably has a chest—The underlying message being that all roomates are assholes and that I must only have girl roomates. I shouldn't think the worst of people, but I really don't want to invite my roomate(s) to the blog if they're going to fucking leaving underwear all over the place and metaphorical underwear all over the house blog. So I'm sharing the blog with Chris right now. He likes sneakers and I like shoes. Ergo, awesome roomate material!

So Chris, welcome to the Crap Shack. And don't leave underwear all over the place because I'll fucking cut you.


Blogger Chris O said...

I've never been a tidy roommate, but if anything will whip me into shape I think it's the threat of having Iris cut me. Best. Roomie. Ever.

21 March, 2006 00:01  

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