28 May, 2006

Crap Shack update: the man stands up for himself

Normally in my Crap Shack, the noise I hear from the couple next door consists of the pregnant lady nagging the man who, I assume, impregnated her. I imagine she yells at him for the following:
- Knocking her up
- Having her live in a crappy apartment (possibly throwing in that it's in downtown Edmonton)
- Being too old to be a father (guy looks to be early 40s)

Today, though, after months of one-sided loudness, the man, who looks like a poor-man's Woody Allen, had enough. The lady's yelling was finally matched up with a resounding "Don't tell me what to do!" Much of their argument was lost in the not-so-superior sound-proofing in the building, but from where I'm sitting, the guy definitely had his loud, nagging companion on the ropes. Now there's silence. If I don't hear anything from them for the next 24–48 hours, I'll start to consider calling the cops about the possibility of foul play.


Blogger Ladysir said...

If they start yelling again, record it.


28 May, 2006 19:02  
Blogger Tonka Time said...

I agree with Leah. That might be some prime material for a one man play come next Fringe.

29 May, 2006 02:55  

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