31 May, 2006

It isn't, nor will it ever be

I saw this car on my way to school this morning but was in too much of a hurry to take a picture of it. When I saw the car this morning, it was parked hastily at an angle (a very bad parkjob) and was parked in a no-parking zone, for which the owner was getting a ticket. It wasn't until I walked past the car, though, that I saw just how much the owner deserved his ticket. When I came back from school this afternoon, the car had been straightened out, but was still parked illegally in the same spot. Hopefully the metre maid left a note on the ticket that let the owner know that his CRAPPY RED CAVALIER is not, nor will it ever be a FERRARI, despite how many emblems you've put on your run of the mill shitbox that try to convince people otherwise. I'll never understand the phenomenon of taking low-end starter vehicles, then loading them up with add-ons that are worth more than the car you're putting them on. Why not take that money and buy a car that the people you're trying to impress might actually respect; a BMW or something? If you're into buying respect from people, why hope to do so with a Cavalier?


Blogger Tonka Time said...

At least the car doesn't have, imo, the worst car accessory available in the free world—spinning rims.

Also, this post reminds me of Kevin Federline's Ferrari (yes, I can recall celebrity gossip trash that easily) where he modified the Ferrari emblem into this. Classy!

31 May, 2006 21:29  
Blogger Chris O said...

Baa haahahhaha what a prick.

31 May, 2006 21:32  

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