30 June, 2006

Vehicles and the stupid people who drive them

I've been away from TCS for a while, so I thought today would be a good time to post some pics and talk about what I've been doing. Mostly I've been searching high and low for vehicles with stupid things written on their back windows. Here's some of the best of what I've found:

This gem was stopped in front of me at a red light over the weekend when I went back to Fort Mac to see my fam. Just in case you can't make out what it says: "Single? Looking? www.minerlove.com"
Miner, not minor, as some pervs are probably disappointed when they get to the site. It's just a localized version of lavalife. There are disappointments for straight (and probably even moreso for gay) males at the site, as there are less than ten ladies registered, half of which don't have pictures. There are hundreds of men on the site. It's like sitting in front of your computer and going to Cowboys at the same time. What an age we live in.

Hey, look at this stupid truck. He was too big to get on to the High Level bridge, so I took a picture to commemorate the driver's stupidity. I walked by him with my phone held up to take a pic and he muttered something at me. I would have taken his picture but I feared that would be his breaking point. Do truck drivers get fired for messing up like this?

Taken while this chick was hunting for a bargain at Best Buy. I wanted to wait for her to come outside so I could see what kind of person drives around with something like this in their back window, but she didn't show and it was hot out. I was also curious as to what she meant by hunting. Was it in the dating sense, or was she out looking for a nice 18-point buck? I'll never know, and I think that's the real tragedy here.


Blogger Tonka Time said...

Wow! Do I lack any basic observational skills back when I was in town or did Edmontonian driver just got really retarded while I was away? Or do you just have a knack for cars with poor accessories and drivers with poor depth perception.

I really miss you guys. 9 more days to go!

01 July, 2006 06:20  

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