25 August, 2006

Like sands through the bars of the cage you'll sleep in...

Not sure how credible this is, but I found it to at the very least be entertaining. We need to talk about this at the Osama pow wow, Iris.

Highlights of this story include: Osama's dreams of killing Bobby Brown to get Whitney and his willingness to break the colour rule to marry her.

My favourite part of the whole thing, though, comes when it's revealed that Osama's former mistress went on to be a writer for none other than Days of Our Lives. I wonder how much of her influence was involved in the storyline where Phillip was captured at war and Shawn, Lucas, Brady and Rex went to the Middle East (on their own) to get their boy back. The amazing part was that they did it (despite the efforts of a cross-dressing Sami/Stan). Well, they got almost all of him back. It was after his capture and rescue that Phillip learned that the cost of being an American freedom fighter can sometimes be one of your legs.


I forgot to make the following comments:
Osama wants to do to the world what Bobby Brown has done to Whitney's career. Probably with not as many DUI's.
Is OBL a step down from Bobby Brown? He's richer, smarter and probably more stable than Brown, and much more successful.
Every tape Osama makes gets worldwide attention. Bobby Brown's last album sold under 100,000 copies.
Finally, you'll never see Osama wearing a leather suit like this:


Blogger Ladysir said...

The excerpt is in this month's Harper's, not Harper's Bazaar.


And, strangely, I thought of you and Iris when I read it.

25 August, 2006 19:17  
Blogger Tonka Time said...

Oh man, that just puts Britney Spears within 6 degrees of OBL. And if you count our Everyday Osama project as 1 degree, albeit a tenuous stretch, that put us within 6 degrees of Britney Spears.

Also, I like how, at least amongst the Gatewayers, OBL=Ch/Iris. Brand recognition, baby!

Also, after reading that article, I think OBL just ruined Rock Lobster for me.

25 August, 2006 20:31  
Blogger Chris O said...

Give it time. One day, OBL will be on CNN talking about blowing shit up and people will be like, "remember the one where he went to target? Or the time he chased that douchebag with an airplane?"

Mark my words.

25 August, 2006 20:36  
Blogger Tonka Time said...

He asked me to hit the hookah, but I explained to him that I had a weak system and couldn't handle drugs.

You can't seriously expect me to believe that you're not high when you come up with all those DOOL plots? Even though Passions is by far the wackier daytime soaps on NBC (I think there was a mermaid seduction plot this week), DOOL is still stretches the imagination.

Chris, maybe the strip should have OBL singing Greatest Lof of All in the shower?

25 August, 2006 20:46  
Blogger Daniel Kaszor said...

OBL sounds like such a rapper name. I can just see his first album: Cave Gansta feat W Houston

25 August, 2006 20:51  

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