18 August, 2006

What drove Abe and Sexy Lexie apart (aka boredom breeds DOOL posts)

While watching Days recently, I noticed something peculiar. There Abe Carver and his estranged wife (sexy) Lexie sat in Brady Pub, Abe belittling Lexie for her inability to be a faithful wife. Nothing out of the ordinary here, right? Wrong. Behind Lexie was a cutesy poster thing that said "Peacock" and had a picture of said bird on it (probably someone at NBC thinking it was clever/subtle branding). From where Lexie was sitting though, some crucial letters were blocked out, making the sign look like a hilarious obsenity. I grabbed my camera (my real one, in light of my phone's drowning death last Thursday at soccer—RIP, Treo 650. You were gangster), but couldn't get the full hilarity of the picture. My attempts at capturing it are below.

If I had an ounce of faith in the intelligence of the writers, I'd think they had Lexie sit there on purpose, to imply what it was that drove her and Abe apart, but at this point, after sitting through the ridiculousness of twin aliens who were implanted in Kate Roberts, Marlena being locked in a giant bird cage and communicating with John telepathically to plan her escape, and Kristen DiMera faking her pregnancy and fooling people for six months with a pillow under her shirt, I'm going to think it was just a careless oversight. Either way, it was funny.

Also, check this Bo Brady face. It looks like he's about to drop a massive F-bomb on someone. Proabably Chelsea, or Patrick, cause you know, he knocked up Bo's wife. That always puts a strain on your marriage.


Blogger Chris O said...

I left it in my bag while it rained through the whole game. I tried to turn the phone on after and the screen flickered and died. I miss it.

19 August, 2006 16:44  
Blogger Daniel Kaszor said...

Try it again after a few weeks. My phone got all wet when I left it next to the shower (long story, don't ask) and it didn't work for a day then it was okay. I also dropped my iPod twice and then six months later it stopped working and then four weeks after that it started working again when I dropped it a third time, but I don't think that applies.

20 August, 2006 19:56  
Blogger Chris O said...

I've been checking the phone at random since the incident (heard a story of a friend of my mom's phone coming back from the dead three days later, JC-style), but each time it doesn't start up I just get sadder. These are sad times for dead cell phones. I'd imagine this is how JC's disciples would have felt, you know, if he hadn't risen from the dead.

I also lost a couple of iPods after dropping them. One was fixable under warranty, the second time they told me to get bent, essentially.

20 August, 2006 23:45  
Blogger Tonka Time said...

You guys are way too abusive to your electronic devices! Killers!

21 August, 2006 11:40  

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