23 January, 2007

Vintage Crap Shack

This is the first time in the era of my new and not so crappy crap shack that something remeniscient of the OG Crap Shack has happened. I came home this afternoon a little after 4 to find a newish Volvo parked a few stalls over from me. I thought this was odd, as there hasn't been anyone parking next to me all winter. Apparently, someone else thought this was odd too, and decided to do something about it. The below pic is vigilante visitor parking action in its purest sense:

You can't really make it out from the pic I took, but there, on the drivers' side window is a notice written in lipstick telling the owner to park in visitors' parking. They also wrote a similar message on the car's windshield. I would have taken more/better pics, but I didn't want the visitor to come out and see me lurking around his expensive car and then blame me for the vandalism. And yeah, I'm that much of a pansie.


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