24 March, 2007

Amazing Race

One perceived advantage of living in one of the easternmost major metropolitan cities in the US is traveling. Specifically, how easy it should be to go to Europe. Gone are the days of traveling 4 hours to Toronto, and then having to shlep around the airport for 2–3 hours waiting for a connection. Presumably, I can fly straight to many major European cities. Thus my Spring Break trip from Boston to Edinburgh should look like this:

Well, it certainly didn't look like that. Though I feel like I should take the partial blame since I booked my ticket 3 weeks before my trip and I had a limited budget. So my NWA/KLM flight went through Amsterdam on my way there. Okay. That's acceptable. I had to double back a little bit. But the ticket was cheap and Amsterdam isn't that far away from Edinburgh.

What I did not anticipate is the stupid weather and the reality that not many flights go from Amsterdam to US during the day. There is one flight to Boston each day and I missed that because, on my way home, my Edinburgh-Amsterdam got retardedly delayed. No biggie, I thought. Perhaps they can fly me through London or New York, or *sigh*, even Toronto—"Center of the Universe." You know, other east coast hubs that is relatively close to Boston, a east coast city.

Emphasis on "east coast."

What I certainly did not expect is this:

Not only could they not find me a same-day ticket back to the North American continent, they had to fly me through Minneapolis, THEN, to Boston. WTF?!?!?! Can you grasp how retarded this is?!!?! MINNEAPOLIS!!! I think that's closer to Edmonton than to Boston! The plane actually flew on top of Toronto on my way from Minneapolis to Boston. ALSO, since domestic airline carriers are cheap (fuck you, Northwest) there were no in-flight entertainments or meal during that 2 1/2 hour leg. Good thing I have season 2 of Extras on my computer.

Grrr! It took me almost 48 hours to get from Edinburgh to Boston.

Oh, they also didn't pay for my hotel stay in Amsterdam. And no, I didn't go visit any of the coffee shops. I had one change of clothes (because they refused to dig out my checked luggage, citing time and inconvenience as reasons) and smelling like a Boeing 747 seat cushion for the 48 hours was bad enough as is.

In short, traveling sucks. The End.


Blogger Chris O said...

Traveling does suck. While my situation wasn't as bad as yours, I had to sit on the tarmac at Lester Pearson for almost an hour when Chloe and I went to Cuba last month. I know an hour isn't that bad, but I started feeling clausterphobic and pissed off about just sitting there like a goon for so long. Of course, there's also the story of the US airline that made their customers sit on a tarmac for 10 hours with no food or water. I would have caused a scene (ie, saying I had a bomb) to get off the plane at that point. Ridiculous.

Travel woes aside, how was your trip?

25 March, 2007 23:31  
Blogger Tonka Time said...

The trip was great! I had a rowdy (read: drunk off my ass) time spending St Paddy's Day there. Despite downing 4 shots of vodka and half a bottle of white wine, NO HANGOVER! Huzzah!

I got a nice bottle of scotch. If I have have any left by the time I come home, I'll share.

Also, while stating that you have a bomb might get you off the tarmac, you'll still get confined in a holding cell that's equally constraining. Couple with the fact that (I'm pretty sure) saying you have a bomb is a federal offense, you might have to share a jail cell with a fat guy name Tiny. I'm sure that will be even more uncomfortable. Especially if you're the bottom.

Snakes on a plane, however, should do the trick.

26 March, 2007 10:00  

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